
Here's Your Manifesting Tool

Clarify Your Vision + Manifest Your Life Workbook

A practical guide to understanding what you want in life.

It’s designed to help you:

  1. Review your past year’s highlights and challenges
  2. Identify your priorities in 10 key areas of your life
  3. Start to design a future vision that excites you

Questions? Email me at hana@rebootexperiences.com

Learn More About
Supercharge Your Evolution

8-Week Group Coaching Journey + Guided Self-DiScovery course to Confidently Step into Your Next Chapter

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Your transformation awaits:

+ Ignite your inner wisdom and courageously take control of your personal and business evolution right now

+ Consciously choose your dream life instead of getting trapped again and again in a life that doesn’t fit

+ Get unstuck and remove the fears holding you back from living the life you’re meant to live

+ Create a crystal clear vision for your future aligned with your true values

+ Fast-track your success with a supportive and open-minded community of heart-centered creators and leaders

What past cohorts say...

If you're looking for a way to kick your butt into high gear whether for your business, your personal development, or you just want to find time to figure out what's next for you, this will deliver exactly that. The returns were immeasurable and the experience & the people I met set me on a path for my business and personal life that I would not have arrived at without this experience.
Sophia Sunwoo
Founder & Principal at Ascent Strategy
Re:Boot will crack you right open, get you thinking about the ways you show up in the world. It will get you thinking about those deeper questions that you perhaps dodge/avoid or subconsciously sweep under the rug, questions like, "Why am I here? What is my life's mission and purpose? How can I show up more authentically and with more integrity for others?" Thank you Re:Boot for helping me transition into a more evolved, sensitive, aware and actualized version of myself.
Jonathan Stone
Founder, Flow + Tell Wellness
With Re:Boot, I had the space, time, and structure to evaluate my values and my desires in an environment that promoted and supported the unknown. I feel committed to pushing myself in new directions, and I've been taking steps into that unknown ever since this experience. I feel more supported and motivated than I've felt in a while, and I've cleared out many of the resistances I held.
Matt Trainer
Partnerships & Programming

What's Included?

The combination of the community and discussions we had, they gave me the frameworks to build the next stages of my career. It’s unlike any other community I’ve been around. It’s not just entrepreneurs, it’s artists, people from all different walks of life, and you can learn so much going through this unique experience together.
Nick Sarafa
My experience with Re:Boot was so incredibly healing. I took a hard look at what it is I’m seeking. I connected with people in a way I never have before. People who saw me. People who created a safe space so that for the first time I was able completely let go and just be. I’m leaving this experience a changed human. I’ll be forever grateful to the magical humans who truly nourished me, transformed me and helped me re-discover the light inside.
Alissa Rumsey
RD, Intuitive Eating Coach
Re:Boot was one of the most transformative experiences of my life - and I learned exactly what I needed to in ways I could not have imagined. Thank you so much to Hana for sharing her wisdom, delivering magic, and uniting such an inspiring group of kindred spirits.
Diana Li
Director of Marketing, Luxury Travel

Your 8-Week Roadmap

The most comprehensive + effective program to powerfully fast-track your transformation

We’ll start off by meeting your cohort family and set intentions for our time together.

An important foundational workshop to begin our journey together, you will uncover your top 3 values to gain more clarity on what’s actually important in your life. 

I’ll introduce you to the Hero’s Journey structure (by Joseph Campbell), and how we are going to apply it to your own life journey. In this workshop, you’ll be able to identify where you are in your life cycle, mindset, and challenges to see the next step with more clarity and peace.

This week you will create a personal mission statement! Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of this exercise, your north star will act as a powerful filter for future ideas & allow you to see what is not in alignment with your true essence.

It’s time to reimagine your life! A guided game designed to brainstorm all the different versions of who you could be at the intersection of your unique skills, abundance, service, and passion. This session is all about breaking out of your comfort zone to identify new opportunities that are in alignment.

How do you currently make decisions? This week, I will introduce you to an effective framework I’ve developed in order to evaluate important life decisions. With this tool, you’ll be able to make decisions that are aligned with your goals, values, and support your growth.

Fear can hold us back from truly living in purpose. In this workshop, you will learn how to reframe and face the fears that are blocking you. I’ll also introduce the concept of “fear training” to quickly move through any future blocks. Moving forward, you’ll be able to make better choices from a place of calm and purpose. 

Let’s have some fun! I share some guided creativity exercises to integrate flow states into your daily life. The session is designed to unlock creative thinking, stimulate new ideas, reduce anxiety and stress. No artistic experience needed!

Relax as I guide you through a powerful visualization meditation followed by writing prompts focused on practical applications of manifestation. A Re:Boot community favorite and an incredibly effective exercise!

We will complete our final session with a closing ceremony.

Reboot was transformational for me. My key takeaway from spending time with such a talented group of people from around the world was that - mindset is everything. If we learn to master our mind - we can access an unlimited reservoir of human potential.
Mark Bardi
Cryptocurrency Advisor
There are so many aspects of this experience that I’m inspired by that has lit my soul on fire to achieve anything! Now I definitely have more confidence in myself to move forward with new ventures. A great way to reconnect with yourself and really charge after your goals and the future!
Kimberly Leckey
Artist/Founder of Sea Woven
 I spent time with an impressive group of people that helped me re-establish myself both professionally and personally and create a vision for the future. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life and undoubtedly changed my trajectory in life.
Bonnie Burgett
Real Estate Development Consultant

Meet Your Host

Hana Jung

Hana Jung

Chief Connector & Magic Maker

Hana is a serial entrepreneur, advisor, and artist with expertise spanning design, digital marketing, app development, luxury hospitality, and technology. Her passion for connecting and elevating people across industries led her to begin Re:Boot Experiences to impact change among future leaders. Ever the collaborator, she believes in the power of creativity to stimulate new ways of thinking. She spends her time between Nicaragua, Bali, and Lisbon where she loves building meaningful connections over a great meal.


is this the same as other re:boots?

Short answer, no. Although the core principles remain the same, this exclusive online coaching combines the most impactful workshops in one comprehensive program. Most destination Re:Boot experiences only cover a fraction of what is offered in this program.

what is required to join?

After being accepted, the only requirements is to come with an open mind, a commitment to your growth, and have the time to complete the weekly homework and attend each week’s calls.

How big are the group sizes?

To maintain an intimate and safe environment, each group size will be between 8-10 people per cohort.

Will I have a chance to meet people in my cohort in-person?

There will be an option to join a cohort-exclusive reunion at the end of the course. Final timing and destination will be based on the group’s availability and location.

When and how long are the weekly coaching calls?

Weekly calls will be based on the cohort member’s availability. Each call will last 1-2 hours depending on the level of discussions and questions.

If the course isn't helpful, can I get my money back?

Absolutely. If you don’t believe the course is truly helpful after 14 days, I will give you a full refund. You must complete at least 2 lessons/group sessions to qualify for a refund.

have another question?

Get in touch hana@rebootexperiences.com

Click here for full terms. 

