Money mindset has been a hot topic this week in my @rebootexperiences conscious business accelerator group. As we were discussing pricing, taking control of our money-making power and healing our money habits, it helped me to reflect on my own money journey. ⠀
I intimately know what having a toxic money mindset feels like because it was something I struggled with my entire life. My beliefs about money scarcity, failure and comparison led to self-sabotage that kept me trapped for far too long. It’s an ongoing journey, but I’ve seen the shifts in my own life. ⠀⠀
For example, earlier this year I took a private jet when all commercial flights were cancelled. I wanted to live and work from Nicaragua where I could thrive during the pandemic. The old me would have waited around in an environment that stifled my creativity because I would feel guilty for
spending that kind of cash for a flight. But you know what? That was one of the best investment I made for myself and my business this year. ⠀
If I’m being honest, being an Asian woman and a child of immigrant parents, my past relationship with money was…complicated. There were certain money stories that I was taught (and reinforced) because of my gender, race, and my “responsibility” as a 1st generation. Although my money history was conditioned, it IS my responsibility to actively unlearn and heal to support my money future.
Here are the my 10 toxic money thought patterns, and how I reframed it over the years:⠀
1. “I have to make money to be worthy of respect and taken seriously”
💭 Reframe: Money is not a measure of self-worth)⠀
2. ”Money is stressful and complicates relationships”
💭 Reframe: Money can be joyful and a tool to deepen relationships)⠀
3. ”Saving is the only way to be wealthy”
💭 Reframe: Thoughtful investing…especially into personal growth, results in a positive ROI
4. ”Be careful with money…or else it will all be gone”
💭 Reframe: I can always make more money
5. ”Only use money for things you really really need to survive”
💭 Reframe: Money can be a tool for self-care, pleasure and joy